When I Spoke In Tongues


When I Spoke

In Tongues

By the Late

Dr. John Conley



Mid-America Christian University

President, Ohio Christian University

I have spoken in tongues. It was while spending three weeks with an aboriginal tribe. It happened that I was the second white man who had spent a night on one of the islands in hundreds of years. They are very primitive, and God did send tremendous revival to these people. Thankfully, I happened to be among the first who went in the spirit of revival. One night I was taken to an island where the name of Jesus Christ had never been spoken. There were at least 160 people there in a chief’s long house.


On my right hand side was a young man who translated from my English into Spanish, and on my left hand side was an Indian who translated from Spanish into their dialect. There was no one there who could translate it directly from English into their dialect. In other words, my message was given in three languages.


I started out my message and I do not know how long I preached . . . maybe ten, twelve or fifteen minutes. I stopped to give this Spanish man a chance to translate from English and for this Indian to translate from Spanish into the dialect. When I stopped, they turned to me and the Spanish interpreter said:


“We do not need to translate. They understand what you are saying.” I preached for another ten minutes in English. There were no translations made, and when I finished I gave the invitation in English to come and stand in front if you would take Jesus Christ as your Savior. We baptized 138 Indians that night.














Truth Matters
