"The Holy Remnant"
Text Box: What Is the Truth in Our Heritage Hymn
“The Holy Remnant”?
Text Box: D.S. Warner’s
Evangelistic Team Of
“Flying Messengers”
Calling the Holy Remnant 
“Home to Zion”

One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Reformation Movement of the Church of God is our hymnody. The many song writers among us all set about proclaiming the message of the Church of God in song.  The hymn for consideration here is “The Holy Remnant,” representative since our message revolved around the concept that the church of God is a remnant of truth seekers, believers and proclaimers who had and have come out from many sects and denominations. 

It is found in Select Hymns, published by the Gospel Trumpet Company, 1911, as number 582, and in Evening Light Songs, Faith Publishing House, 1949, as number 24. It was one of over 125 songs whose lyrics were written by Daniel S.

Warner, the primary catalyst for the birth of this reformation. Warner lived from 1842 to 1895. This song came into being with the help of Mrs. M. J. Groves who composed the music. It was written after 1880 and before Brother Warner’s passing is 1895.   One look at the lyrics of this song provides a clear call of truth upon the “gospel trumpet.”

In this one hymn we find the doctrines of salvation, the walk of holiness, entire sanctification, and of the body of Christ, the church.  We find also the doctrine of sect Babylon and its dangers and the admonition to flee and be part of only the Bride of Christ. Here is the concept of the Gospel Day and the darkness and cloudiness of spiritual Babylon and the glorious light of the message of the evening light. Here is the essential body of doctrine that formed this reformation. Sadly, all too many have never heard this song or heard the message of its lyrics. I can hear the beating of Daniel S. Warner’s heart— can you?



Truth Matters


Text Box: Evangelist
Richard Bradley
Oak Hill, WV
Co-Editor, TM