Introduction to New Journal and Editor
Text Box: Jeannette Flynn
Truth Matters
Text Box: A

Introduction to New

Journal and Editor


Jeannette Flynn grew up in the Church of God under Dr. Lillie McCutcheon’s leadership. A graduate of Gulf Coast Bible College (now Mid-America Christian University) and Anderson School of Theology, Jeannette has spent her life in ministry within the Church of God.


She has served with Rev. Gerald Marvel in Vancouver, Washington; pastored First Church of God in Walla Walla, Washington; and served for 15 years with the National Offices of the Church of God in Anderson, Indiana. Her most recent assignment is with the state office in Florida.


A child of the reformation movement, mentored by leaders committed to the truths and teachings of the reformation movement, Jeannette has had a long association with Pastors' Fellowship and their leaders. She has recently come to serve on the Steering Committee for Pastors' Fellowship and is serving as editor of the new publication Truth Matters along with the editorial team appointed by the Steering Committee of Ben Murphy; Allan Hutchinson; Dave Devoll; Danny Goins; Joe Gregory; and Steve Williams, publisher.


“It is my hope and prayer that Truth Matters will serve the larger church in providing practical resources for better understanding of the scriptural truths that answer the hard questions for the times we are living in. 


Knowing God’s word brings hope and light to the communities that we are called to live in and serve and empower the ministries to which we are called.”


“Thank you for the privilege to partner with you and serve the Kingdom in this way.


Jeannette Flynn





Truth Matters